Tuesday, July 19, 2011

InTrOdUcTiOn MeEtInG & HaIr SPA...

As-salam ladies,

Pagi tadi saya ada meeting ngan manager from my group..alhamdulillah..dia seorang yang baik jugak..takde apa yang di discuss kan..just dia suh saya cerita sket about my previous experience, then dia explain roughly about the project that i will be involve...so far so good..i will be handle on I/O layout for our processor (CPU)..sound interesting huh?? bole la..not really expert yet on Intel's layout tool..but there will be a training for me..maybe next week..and my assignment will be start on early Aug..ala, kadang2 cakap jer..when the time comes, postpone lagi..ye dak?? hee..what so ever..yang penting, saya harus lalui semua ni ngan cekal..chaiyok2 ruzanna..huu..

Lunch time tadi, saya kuar ngan Grace & Shikin..lepas menjamu selera kat Awet Muda, saya saje ajak shikin singgah 1 of the saloon yang saya selalu pegi..saje2 nak tanya the price if we wanna do hair treatment..and u know what? without any plan, all 3 of us had done hair treatment..kah3x..so funny.. =D the cost is about rm63/head..it just because, we got the package price for 2pax and free for 1pax..then the price, we divide by 3..so, we got that quite reasonable price..actually, the package is for rm95/head if we wanna do treatment for (SPA+dandruff)... T_T ntah hape2 kan..memang plan nak buat treatment rambut..tapi not on this month larr..budget sudah lari actually..tapi, tulah..apa leh buat..tergugat & terjebak sudah..tapi, the treatment was so nice..we, very satisfied..!! yes..!! maybe once per 2months should be OK..lagi pun, rambut saya ni takde la bermasalah sangat pun..saje jer suke2..semangat nak kawen punya pasal..serba serbi nak buat..huhu..ruzanna..ruzanna...apa nak jadi nih..

Berbelanja, biar lah berhemah..chewah..!!
Peace no war... ^_^

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